We received a box of your candy for Christmas And believe they are the best Caramels we have ever tasted.
- Connie Reese, Frisco, TX

We were on are way home about a month ago, and passed your sign. We stopped for some candy, we are still enjoying them and we are thankful.
- Janet and Wayne Gleason, Cincinnati, OH

The last ones you sent are the best ever. Always delicious Homemade Caramels, they are always highly anticipated for our whole family at Christmas.
- Kay Ann & Larry, Cincinnati, OH

These Caramels are a delicious holiday treat for us… although I would gladly have them any time of the year! If you gift these, be prepared to give them year after year. They will be requested!
- Dani Hixenbaugh, Akron, OH

making caramels

making caramels

Bob and Donna Koch